Sir – How well the Comment (Witney Gazette, December 3, ‘Museum’s Move Worth Exploring’) was put by the Gazette, quite excellent.

We at the museum see this as a partnership with other groups and the community, we would not be able to ‘go it alone’ and included in this would be the Town Council where we envisage a close working relationship. Positivity and enthusiasm is needed to see this idea through, and the sooner we can go to the next stage the less time is wasted.

The scheme is in no way competitive to that of the Corn Exchange, rather it is complementary.

This idea is community based and particularly seeks to engage with the younger generation, such as Cadets and Scouts and also with substantial educational emphasis.

To support keeping the Langdale Hall in community use the town council and indeed also the district council must be encouraged to enter into this exploration with or without listing being granted. It is not a challenge but an attempt to secure an asset for the community. Come on folks, think positively. Let’s keep the hall.

Ian Petty, Witney & District Museum & Historical Society, High Street, Witney