Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) is the statutory organisation in Oxfordshire that plans, buys and oversees health services for more than 720,000 people from a range of NHS, voluntary, community and private sector providers.

OCCG is responsible for commissioning non-specialist hospital services, both urgent and planned care. As well as commissioning GP services, mental health and learning disability services, ambulance services and community services such as district nursing and physiotherapy. Specialist hospital services, dentistry, pharmacy and optician services are commissioned by NHS England (NHSE).

Public Health is provided by the Local Authority Oxfordshire County Council and includes drug and alcohol, sexual health, health visiting and health promotion services. OCCG is a member organisation of 68 GP practices in Oxfordshire; we work with local people, voluntary sector organisations and partners OCC, local District Councils, GPs and Primary Care Networks, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH), Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (Oxford Health) and South Central Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS). 

OCCG is also part of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System (BOB ICS) which covers a population of 1.8 million, three Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) including OCCG, six NHS Trusts, 14 local authorities and 166 GP practices, working together as 45 Primary Care Networks.