Dear Sir,

With the council's permission, since you published my 'dog poo' poem, for the last two years I have been volunteer dog poo warden round the village (with a little help in areas I cannot access).

Sadly my service can often be observed, although many owners thankfully are responsible.

I adore dogs. I was impressed this morning, passing a lady on a mobility scooter, I watched pooch do what he/she needed to do.

The lady reached out with bag and grabber, retrieved its 'offering' which hopefully was deposited in the correct receptacle.

Thank you madam!

If disabled can retrieve the poo, shame on able-bodied owners who so blatantly refuse to do so. I love my 'job'.

Hopefully one day my trusty bottle will no longer be required.

I do, by the way, keep a supply of bags in the hall should walkers accidentally forget one! Again, thank you madam for being the 'fairy'.

Please adopt Mary Whitehouse's clean-up campaign! It's not rocket science!

Dog lover

Dorothy Holloway

Wenrisc Drive

Minster Lovell