Former Witney resident David Waite, brother of Beirut hostage Terry Waite, sadly passed away on Sunday.

Mr Waite, who was 75, had retired with his wife Alison to Cyprus 10 years ago.

He often talked to both the Oxford Mail and Witney Gazette about the hostage situation in Beirut in the late 80s and early 90s, and the celebrations when his brother Terry was returned safe the UK.

Terry Waite, now 82, was an envoy for the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, in the 1980s when he travelled to Lebanon to try to secure the release of four hostages, including the journalist John McCarthy.

He was himself kidnapped and held captive from 1987 to 1991.

Witney Gazette: Terry and David Waite

David and Terry Waite

Brother David was already a familiar face to many as he used to run a home decor shop on Bridge Street.

Son Dan said: “The people of Witney made our family feel very much at home, especially at the time when Terry Waite was a hostage in Beirut and Douglas Hurd was our local MP for Witney.

“It was not unusual to see outside broadcasting trucks from ITV and BBC in Park Road, especially at the time of Terry’s release.

“David would represent the family talking about Terry, along with our cousin John Waite.”

Mr Waite had just turned 75 in May when he succumbed to complications from a short illness which first started in July of this year.

Dan Waite, who is president of music label Better Noise, said: “We are grateful he did not suffer long.

“As a family, we are saddened by David’s passing but celebrate his life."

He added: “Having such strong links to Witney, we wanted as David’s immediate family to thank the people of Witney for being such a big part of making David the man he was, and the man we loved.”

David’s brother Terry Waite CBE said: “My brother David was the father of four splendid children, Daniel, Michael, Caroline and Matthew, and throughout his life did his best to make a positive contribution to society.

“During the years of my captivity in Beirut he was an active campaigner for my release. In his latter years he lived with his wife Alison in Cyprus which is where he chose to be buried. We mourn his loss and regret that travel restrictions makes it impossible for my wife and I to attend the funeral.”

The funeral takes place on Friday August 27 at Paphos Christian Fellowship International Church Cyprus at 12.30pm UK time.

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