A TRIAL date has been set for a Banbury man accused of sexually assaulting two young girls.

Colin Lomas appeared at Oxford Crown Court on Tuesday (March 12) charged with one count of indecent assault of a 15-year-old girl and two counts of engaging in non-penetrative sexual activity with a girl under 13.

The two alleged victims cannot be named for legal reasons.

READ MORE: Man accused of sexually abusing two young girls

It is alleged the first count was a historic sexual offence which occurred between 1999 and 2000 while the second two counts occurred last year.

The 58-year-old pleaded not guilty to indecent assault but was not asked to plead for the other two counts as of yet.

A trial date for Lomas, of High Furlong, Banbury, has been set for January 20, 2025.