A 95-year-old grandfather was nearly killed when yobs lobbed bricks through his window.

His grand-daughter said: "He was sat watching the football and two youths started throwing bricks at the house. The first one hit the bedroom window and missed. Then they threw another one and it completely destroyed the sitting room window.

"He was badly shaken and upset, but lucky. Thank god he wasn’t sitting where he usually sits or it would have hit him.

"He could have been killed."

She added: "He’s 95 and he’s lived there for 60 years. He’s got very good neighbours who took him in but what if he hadn’t, what if he hadn’t got supportive family around him?

"My mum is in tears, the concern and the stress and worry is awful for us."

Shockingly two youths had also thrown bricks at the house opposite three days previously, terrifying the children who live there.

She said: "They have three little girls who were dancing and playing on a Saturday night. They are now petrified."

Witney Gazette: Windrush Valley Estate brick thrown through window

"I have had absolutely no updates from police," she said. "They have my number, my mum’s number, my brother’s number. There has been no welfare check at all.

"I’ve been told they are busy or on a different sleep pattern – that’s not really my problem. Someone else should be picking it up. I deserve an update.

"We have doorbell footage and no one has asked for it."

Councillor Andrew Coles, who represents Witney Central, said: "This mindless criminality has absolutely no place in our community. It's just sheer luck that no-one has so far been hurt.

"I have also been liaising with the police, who have increased their patrols in the area to reassure residents and hopefully deter any similar incidents happening."

Witney Gazette: Windrush Valley Estate brick thrown through window

Police told the annual town meeting there had been 91 incidents of criminal damage in Witney during the past six months and more incidents have probably gone unreported.

Mr Coles said it was clear among around 100 attendees "the overwhelming majority want a full-functioning police station".

The front counter at Witney Police Station closed permanently in August 2020 as part of cost-cutting measures. The closest front desks are now in Abingdon and Oxford.

Witney Gazette: Andrew Coles and Andrew Lyon

Charlie Maynard, the Lib Dem prospective parliamentary candidate for Witney, has launched a petition seeking residents' views on restoring the front counter 'to maintain and build trust'.

It is backed by Lib Dem Tim Bearder who is standing to be the next Thames Valley Police Crime and Commissioner at the election on May 2.

Conservative candidate and current PCC Matthew Barber, who has been in touch with the two victims, said: "Witney Police Station is very much open and used 24/7 by police officers and staff to keep the public safe.

"We have been doubling the number of neighbourhood police officers across the force, including West Oxfordshire, and more will be recruited this year on top of the record numbers we already have.

"I am also increasing funding to local authorities by 15 per cent who work closely with the police to tackle ASB."

He added: "Why at a time of local concern about ASB the Lib Dems want to remove police officers from the streets to sit behind a desk in the town centre I do not understand."

Witney MP Robert Courts agreed: "It is either irresponsible - or suggests a failure to understand modern policing - to run a 'campaign' to 'reopen' what is an already fully open and functioning police station, manned 24 hours a day with hard-working officers," he said.

The two families impacted have started their own petition on Change.org, calling for the reopening of the front counter at Welch Way.

A Thames Valley Police spokesperson said: “We have received two reports of criminal damage at separate addresses in Windrush Valley Road, Witney.

“At around 9.55pm on March 9, a brick was thrown through a window. No one was injured.

“Then at around 9.20pm on March 13, two males threw bricks at the house, with one going through a window. No one was injured.

“One of the offenders was wearing a full grey tracksuit with a black stripe along the inner and outer of the leg, with his hood up. The other offender was wearing a full navy tracksuit and had a mask on over his face.

“The incidents have not been linked at this stage but we are keeping an open mind."

Anyone with information about either incident should call 101 or make a report on the police website, quoting reference number 43240111630 for the incident on March 9 and 43240118610 for March 13.

Alternatively, provide information anonymously to independent charity Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111 or via its website.