An MP is among those calling for safety improvements to a junction near Witney following yet another collision.

A crash at the Long Hanborough junction with the A4095 on Monday (March 25) led to long queues with drivers asked to find an alternative route.

The junction at Lower Road sees high numbers of turning movements in and out of the side road which leads to the Eynsham roundabout.

There have been several crashes attended by the emergency services in two years, including a car and bus crash in which four people needed medical attention and a two-car crash in which two drivers suffered minor injuries.

Witney Gazette: Bladon crash 2016

In 2016 the A4095 between Bladon and Long Hanborough was closed following a head-on crash and there have been many near misses.

Local resident Roland Ley, who commutes from Witney, said: “It’s a busy junction as it leads up to the Eynsham roundabout.

"Obviously seen as dangerous as they’ve reduced the speed limit but traffic coming from Bladon sees the junction quite late and traffic coming from Hanborough also sees it late.

“If there’s a lorry or a coach and it puts its nose out they get hit.

"I would say it’s an accident waiting to happen - but unfortunately it already has several times."

Vice chair of Bladon parish council Ashley Vine said it would be in favour of a further speed reduction.

She said: "When we applied for the 20mph zone in the village, we requested that the speed limit on the stretch of road between Bladon and Long Hanborough be reduced to 40mph.

"Oxfordshire County Council decided not to do this. Since the accident earlier this week, I have asked them to revisit their decision."

Witney Gazette: Hanborough crash last summer

Witney and West Oxfordshire MP Robert Courts has lived in Bladon for many years.

He said: "This is a junction I have had to navigate many times, meaning I am all too familiar with its difficulties.

"It is clear to all who use it that the speed of traffic and line of sight makes this a tough junction to use, which is further compounded when congested.

"Introducing a roundabout is something that should be strongly considered, and it is something I would support in principle - as long as OCC thoroughly undertake the work necessary prior to understand any potential effect on congestion that such an intervention would have."

Oxfordshire County Council said there are a number of new housing developments coming forward for the area which will would lead to more traffic safety measures being introduced in time.

Cllr Andy Graham, who represents Bladon, said "we need to get action sooner as this is clearly becoming a danger zone and I will be working to ensure this is addressed".

A spokesperson for Oxfordshire County Council said: "Proposals for new development in this area includes plans to improve this junction, although it is not possible to provide a timeline at this stage."