A total of 134 new homes will come to an Oxfordshire village despite hundreds of objections and the decision being branded "tragic".

Developer Catesby Strategic Land won its appeal for planning permission to build the houses on fields on land south of Burford Road at Minster Lovell in west Oxfordshire.

This comes after the district council initially refused permission for the development in 2023.

READ MORE: Oxfordshire politicians in heated exchange over elections

Liam Walker, deputy leader of the opposition on the council and representative of the Hailey Minster Lovell and Leafield ward, said: “It is tragic what has been allowed to happen in Minster Lovell.

Witney Gazette: Liam Walker.Liam Walker. (Image: West Oxfordshire District Council.)

"Due to the coalition at West Oxfordshire District Council failing to secure a five year housing land supply developers are again taking advantage in West Oxfordshire.

"It was disappointing the district council gave up halfway through the appeal as I think residents expect the council to help fight their corner."

Objectors to the proposal said at the time there would not be enough infrastructure in the village to cope with the development.

Householder Jean King said: "Regardless of what the various consultants say residents in the village know there simply is not ample infrastructure to cope with any more housing."

Consultee, the NHS, said the local healthcare network was already under pressure from nearby planning applications, "and this application directly impacts on the ability of the Windrush Medical Practice surgery in particular, to provide primary care services to the increasing population".

Witney Gazette: Development site.Development site. (Image: Catesby Land/WODC)

The scheme off Burford Road will be next to a 126-home estate by Bovis Homes.

Catesby Strategic Land says 40 per cent of the homes at the 134-house development – up to 56 home - will be affordable "in an area where affordability poses a serious challenge to those in housing need".

Duncan Enright, deputy leader of West Oxfordshire District Council, said: "West Oxfordshire needs the right homes, particularly for first time buyers and tenants, but in the right places.

"The situation Labour councillors find themselves in after decades of Conservative rule is too many unplanned developments like the one in Minster Lovell and not enough of the homes we need across the district. 

"Labour immediately began work on a new Local Plan for West Oxfordshire in partnership with councillors of other parties and town and parish councils, reviving our communities and building new homes, including social housing, in a way that supports existing communities.

Witney Gazette: Duncan Enright.Duncan Enright. (Image: WODC)

"Unlike local Conservatives, who just make noise but offer no solutions, we will not allow this housing crisis to continue."

The applicant says the proposed development will "provide significant public open space and play facilities", biodiversity enhancements and pedestrian and cycle links into the village.

It added that there would be no long-term, significant harm to the landscape of the site and surroundings, and the proposed landscaping "would result in an improvement to the transition between the settlement and surrounding countryside".