Thousands made the most of the glorious sunshine to sample the treats on offer at the Witney Festival of Food and Drink.

The 10th annual festival, this year sponsored by Parker Bullen Solicitors, saw over 60 different stalls with producers all from within the area.

Honey, cider, bread, meats, beers, fruit and veg, and chocolates were just some of what was being sampled and bought by the many punters.

There was a festival bar and a pop-up cafe from UE Coffee Roasters.

Witney Gazette: 10th Witney Festival of Food and Drink

There was also live music with sets from Buttercross Ukueles, Cozier, Dr Robert, Ryan Clayton, Jaybirds, Mandolirium, Colin Greenway, Mansfield Smith and Gordon MacCay.

The festival on Saturday (May 18) at St Mary's Church, also saw live performances on Church Green from local groups the Menssana Martial Arts Team, StageCoach, Nemo’s Gym Display team, Witney Town Band and Ducklington Morris.

Meanwhile families enjoyed a full programme of children's activities and a Chocolate Genie Workshop.

Richard Young, of St Mary's, said:  "It went really, really well with thousands of visitors and happy stallholders selling out.

"It was brilliant weather, and creating a performance arena on Church Green for local clubs to display created a community carnival experience.

"The Live Music Tent and Festival bar meant many spent longer at the event than planned!"