OLYMPIC champion Denise Lewis is limbering up for a fresh athletic challenge - but this time, she will be teaming up with her mum!

The heptathlete, who won gold at the Sydney Olympics in 2000, is preparing to pull on her trainers for next week's Ribbon Walk.

Hundreds of people are planning to join her on Saturday on the 20-mile route around Blenheim Palace to raise awareness of breast cancer.

The track-and-field star is backing the walk following the death of her grandmother - Celina Hutchinson - to the illness almost two years ago.

Ms Lewis said: "She was 70-years-old, but was such a strong, healthy woman, who loved to live life to the full.

"It was just 16 months from the time she was diagnosed with breast cancer to death, and that was such a shock."

Ms Lewis will be taking part in the trek alongside her mum, Joan Lewis, who she said is looking forward to the day.

She said: "It's not something my mum has done before, but she is really eager, especially after the death of her mother.

"It is quite a challenge, but will be a great achievement for anyone taking part.

"Remember, it will be a fun day too!"

Ms Lewis is an ambassador for Breast Cancer Care, a charity focused on offering support to people affected by the illness, which is organising the Ribbon Walk. She said: "So many people are affected by this illness, not just the victims themselves, but friends, families and colleagues.

"The day is about raising awareness of the illness, and showing people there is support available."

There are two routes to choose from on the day - a ten-mile or 20-mile hike - around the palace grounds in Woodstock.

It takes place on Saturday, June 9, and you can find out more by calling 0870 145 0101 or by visiting www.ribbonwalk.org.uk