Sir – Witney Town Council, in an attempt to reduce the waiting list for allotments, is, when a full plot becomes vacant, dividing it into two.

Bearing this in mind, can the town council explain why, when an existing plot that has been divided for several years and the tenant leaves, it is now being returned to a whole plot. Surely someone on the waiting list should be given the opportunity of taking over the now vacant half-plot.

I have spoken twice to the town council expressing my dismay and pointing out that someone with a family, or no garden whatsoever, would benefit from the vacant half-plot, only to be told, that was my opinion.

I wonder what the opinion of those on the waiting list would be and of those who were campaigning outside the town hall not so long ago?

Can the council also explain, why plots (I can only comment on the Newland allotment site) are allowed to be left unattended for months on end. If the council inspected the allotment sites more regularly and encouraged absent tenants to try to cultivate their plot, or give them up if they are struggling or are no longer interested, this might also ease the waiting list.

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