Sir – It is apparent that there is a real appetite for Fairtrade in Witney, with more than 2,500 people having signed the petition to make Witney a Fairtrade Town (including David Cameron). Fairtrade is supported by all the main political parties.

There are more than 60 businesses, schools, churches, and organisations in the town which support Fairtrade, including a brewery which produces a Fairtrade beer. The newly opened Marks & Spencer adds another prominent store to the list.

The Fairtrade Foundation awards a certificate of congratulation to Towns once a set of five goals has been achieved.

In Witney we believe we could easily now become one of these celebrated towns as we have already achieved 4 out of 5 of these goals. These concern the number of outlets and workplaces supporting and using Fairtrade, media coverage and the setting-up of a Fairtrade Steering Group (i.e. WAFTAG).

The only goal yet to be achieved is the one requiring council support.

Essentially, this would involve an appropriately robust resolution, including agreeing to make Fairtrade drinks available to the staff and at council events and nominating a councillor to sit on WAFTAG.

To date, the council have said that although it supports the aims and principles, they do not wish to go further.

Here is an opportunity for the council to listen to the people, to show a real leadership, so benefiting some of the poorest people in the world, as well as the people and economy of Witney.

Wendy Maddison, Co-ordinator of WAFTAG, New Yatt